Tuesday 25 July 2017

My final day in Croatia

Greetings people, I'm back again with another blog post and I'm living in the final place of Croatia that we're staying at. This place is called Zagreb and today is our final full day in Croatia because tomorrow, we're off to Berlin which is the capital of Germany. Plus this week is the fourth week of the holiday and when it gets to this Thursday, there will be 1 week left because next Thursday is when our holiday comes to an end and we'll be off flying back to Australia, well back to the journey.

For the next day after the last day in Dubrovnik,new set off and took a slow ride on a ferry to the Island of Korcula, a trip that took more than an hour to get there and during the trip, I was so tired and hungry and after eating, we took a bus to one place where we were meeting Dad's cousins but, they were there before us so they took us to where our apartment is, on top of the home of one of Dads cousins and later in the afternoon, we went for a swim and ended with some chips and spaghetti and bread for dinner and we retired for the night.

I'm going to skip a few days because those days aren't going to be interesting to you people because it's mostly of resting and swimming. So back to the blog post.

The next day we went to the harbour in the car ofone of Dad's cousins and we took our ferry but we waited for a while and for that I did get fried a bit (getting sun burned) and after the ferry trip we got to our apartment with the help of Antonia and we did walk around the city for a little bit for finding a restaurant and found a Pizzeria restaurant and we had some Pizza and the day ends back at the apartment.

The next day was just half a day in Split, we've wondered around the city looking for anything that might be interesting to see, we even walked into a palace built back in the time of the Roman Empire, looking through every place we look at. We even got a shirt of Split, well of Croatia. However, Mum slipped on a weathered piece of a stone brick and it wasn't just her, another woman slipped as well and I thought that this brick needs some work. After being in that Palace, we then had lunch as I had a cheese and ham sandwich that was toasted and then had an ice-cream. Heading back to the hotel, having a bit of a break and then taking a Taxi to the airport. Lucky for me I had my first time flying on a turboprop passenger plane and after arriving at the airport and our hotel in Zagreb, we had some burgers for dinner and then returning to the hotel for the night.

Yesterday after having breakfast, we then went to a square Park to catch a tour bus to Rastoke and Plitvice lake. There was lots to see, rivers, forests and waterfalls. The drive there took a few hours to get there but we also had some stops along the way for collecting some lunch and stuff. After the walk at that park, it took a few hours to return to Zagreb even some stops for afternoon tea and picking up some people who are going to the airport tomorrow. After we got back we had dinner at the apartment and retired for the night.

Today is Tuesday, we had breakfast and went off to explore the old city of Zagreb, we explored a huge church, walked around some buildings, even walking for 5 minutes into a War Museum and been on a hill rail cart. We took a break back at the hotel, then walking through the actual city looking through a book shop and other places, then switched our attention to dinner, I had a grilled steak with French fries, same to Emma. After dinner Emma and I got ice-cream at an ice-cream cafe but when we got our ice-cream, it was raining and I was like when it was not not too heavy, "This has to be our chance to get back to the apartment" but Emma disagrees so after we've eaten, we made a dash back to the hotel and I showered and that ends up with what I'm up to now.

So I'm finishing up because tomorrow we're off to the airport starting at 5 AM and I need alot of sleep, plus it's getting very late and I'll continue on when I'm in Germany, I'll see you all later and Good night.


  1. How was your turboprop ride Daniel? It sounds very exciting and a bit scary.
    I think you and Emma have eaten pizza and ice cream in every city. πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ˜€
    Looking forward to hearing about Germany.
    You still have lots to look forward to seeing and doing. Xx

    1. That plane ride on a turbo prop plane was excellent, however I did also tried something new while on that plane. It was a cooked union with fish but I did take a bit long having that but anyway, yes you're right, I'm having pizza almost in every city I go to, I'm about to start another blog post so bye for now.
